Our director Katheryn Miller, formerly Kate Longacre, has recently married and moved to Libby. This leaves the position of director open. If you are a qualified Early Childhood professional and interested in applying, contact Katheryn at 406-249-4150.
Champion’s Choice Preschool is Currently Closed for the school year 2023 – 24
Kindergarten Readiness
Don’t wait until it’s too late to find out if your child will be ready for kindergarten.
Quick video on the importance of early “kindergarten roundup”
Current Hours
We are currently open 4 days a week
Monday – Thursday – 8:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Sliding Scale Fee available!
See Tuition page for more details.
We have slots available at present. Call to secure a place.
You can EnRoLL any time and secure your slot!
There is no cost to enroll.
– First Day of School September 6th, 2022 –
Don’t wait until it’s too late to find out if your child will be ready for kindergarten.
Quick video on the importance of early “kindergarten roundup”
No Immunizations required to attend.
We voluntarily dropped our license status in 2015 to allow families whose children are “not immunized” an opportunity to participate in our programs. We will continue to provide the same level of care and closely follow the procedures as a licensed care facility except requiring children to be immunized.
To be eligible for the sliding scale fee families are required to complete a simple financial statement that lists all income sources from both wage earners that are married or living as domestic partners. This will be reviewed every 3 months and either increase or decrease hourly rate based on this information. You can view and print the financial worksheet HERE.
In addition, To keep tuition from increasing, families are requested to fulfill 2 hours of volunteer time a month and provide supplies and/or snacks. Volunteer jobs and a shopping list for supplies and/or snacks will be posted from week to week, as needs arise. We may also assign a particular snack food to an individual family as needed.
Families will be charged for the full day no matter what time they arrive, and extended charge if they are late picking up, according to our late charge policy in our handbook under School Hours, as follows: “…a full hour charge will be applied for every one half hour a parent is late picking up a child. This charge must be paid before the child will be admitted to the next scheduled class.”
In addition, there are 10 excused absences for the year from September to May. It does not matter why your child is absent , you will not be charged for these first 10 absences. But once they have been used, you will be charged a full day for the days you have signed up to come. If your child begins after September, you will be allowed 1 absence per month from that month until May. (An exception to this would be a child missing school due to an exposure to COVID. These days will be excused.)
Please contact the teacher if your child is going to be absent, so that she can plan the day and not prepare materials that will have to be thrown out. Also, please be on time. It is a disruption for the other students when someone comes late, especially if they are doing a group activity, such as, circle time. But, it is also difficult for your child to come in and not have time to warm up to the different environment before going straight to an activity. If you cannot avoid being late, please contact the teacher.
Kindergarten Readiness:
Watch the series on Kindergarten Readiness video 1 here, (note: the free afternoon program is no longer an option): Video 1
Watch the series on Kindergarten Readiness video 2 here, (note: the free afternoon program is no longer an option): Video 2
Watch the series on Kindergarten Readiness video 3 here, explaining DIBEL Benchmark goals: Video 3
Watch the series on Kindergarten Readiness video 4 here. How to select age appropriate books to read: Video 4
Click her for DIBEL BENCHMARK CHART full web version
Why Preschool is Important Today:
Studies show that young minds are able to develop new habits with relative ease, but, if they are not given a rich environment with opportunities to explore, create and experiment during the critical early years before age 6, they may never reach their full developmental potential. [This is huge! – it means if he doesn’t get what he needs for his brain to develop before he’s 6, he may never catch up. See this link for the complete study: THE HECKMAN STUDY According to the study, “Families play a powerful role in shaping adult outcomes.” Therefore, children who have a wide variety of learning experiences through both free play and directed play optimize their cognitive development for higher education and successful adult outcomes.
It’s never too late to enroll