Champion’s Choice Preschool is Childcare at it’s Best!
Champion’s Choice Preschool provides a combination of childcare and academic instruction, which is what a quality preschool does.
It is Childcare at it’s Best!
Each day includes:
- Active, intentional, teacher directed and involved play.
- Child directed, independent and group play.
- Specific academic instruction.
- Social and emotional support based on Biblical standards.
- An over arching standard of the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Love your neighbor the way you love yourself. Because Jesus was our Champion, and saved us, we should love like Jesus and help others when they need help.
- Affordable tuition with our Sliding Scale Fee program.
For more, see the “About Us” and “About Our Staff” pages.
Thanks for Stopping by!
Need Help Navigating?
This is where I’m suppose to tell you how to navigate our site.
It’s pretty easy, no fancy bells and whistles.
Click any page on the menu bar at the top,
and it will open a new page.
This is the “Home” page and will appear on any page in the menu, so you can return to any page you want from any other page.
The “About Us” page will tell you a lot about our program.
The “About Our Staff” page is mostly about me, Kate Longacre, as I’m the founder and director and for a long time, the only staff member. We also have a board.
You can pretty much figure out the link to anything else you might want to know.
One more thing to help with navigation: Check out the search bar at the bottom of the page. It’s a pretty awesome feature and will take you right to the text of your search on any page on the entire website. If you want to know about tuition, or lunches, just type it in.
Hope that helps.
Glad you stopped by and hope you stop by again!